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- “Musical Tradition of the Tibetan People. Songs in dance measure”, in Orientalia Romana: Essays and Lectures, 2, Rome, 1967.
- “Tibetan Culture”, in Tibet Journal, vol. III n. 3, pp. 38-40, Autumn 1978, Dharamsala.
- The Necklace of Gzi. A Cultural History of Tibet, Dharamsala, 1981.
- “Some Observations on the Race and Language of Tibet”, in Tibet Journal, vol. VII, n.
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- Dzogchen and Zen, Blue Dolphin Publishing, Nevada City, CA 1984
- The Cycle of Day and Night: An Essential Tibetan Text on the Practice of Contemplation, Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY 1987.
- Primordial Experience: An Introduction to Rdzogs-Chen Meditation (co-author Kennard Lipman), Shambhala Publications, Boston, MA 1987.
- Gangs ti se’i dkar chag. A Bon-po Story of the Sacred Mountain Ti-se and the Blue Lake Ma-pang, partially translated into English (with R. Prats), Rome, 1989.
- Rigbai Kujug. The Six Vajra Verses, ed. C. Goh, Singapore, 1990.
- Drung, Deu and Bön. Narrations, Symbolic Languages and the Bön Tradition in Ancient Tibet, Dharamsala, 1995.
- The Golden Letters, Foreword, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY 1996.
- The Self-Perfected State, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY 1996.
- The Mirror: Advice on the Presence of Awareness, Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY 1996.
- The Supreme Source: The Fundamental Tantra of the Dzogchen Semde (co-author Adriano Clemente), Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca NY 1999.
- The Crystal and the Way of Light: Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY 2000.
- Journey Among the Tibetan Nomads, Paljor Publications, India 2002.
- Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light, Ithaca, NY 2002.
- The Mirror: Advice on Presence and Awareness, Shang Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso 2005.
- Dzogchen Teachings, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY 2006.
- Yantra Yoga, the Tibetan Yoga of Movement, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY 2008.
- Birth, Life and Death, Shang Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso 2008.
- Longchenpa – Advice from the Heart, Shang Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso 2008.
- The Light of Kailash, Vol. 1, Shang Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso 2009.
- Rainbow Body, The Life and Realization of Ugyen Tendzin, Shang Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso 2010.